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The Committee Of The Lowestoft Players

We often refer to 'the small army' who all contribute in their own way towards the running and management of our society.  Without the time and efforts of these dedicated volunteers, none of our productions would be possible. 

* Denotes the Company Directors of The Lowestoft Players LTD.

Executive Management Team:

Co-Chair: Jenny Wright & Andrew Groom*

Vice-Chair: Paula Crisp

Company Secretary: Georgina Burke*

Finance: Maurice Garrod*


Operational Management Group:

Chair / Theatre Operations: Andrew Groom*

Finance: Maurice Garrod*

Buildings Developments: Martin Wilson*

Buildings Maintenance: Jan Takman

Buildings Maintenance: Mervyn Bradick

Box Office Administration: Denise Clark

Theatre Scheduling & Technical: Ryan Takman*

Theatre Communications / Publicity / Minutes: Sally Jermyn

Event Operations: Ben Norman

Buildings Caretaking & Safety: Bernie Gooch

Developments: Nicholas Garrod

Fundraising Executive: Melanie Wright


Productions Management Group

Chair: Jenny Wright*

Vice Chair / Marketing: Jimmy Atkin*

Productions Coordination: Paula Crisp*

General / Minutes Secretary: Louise Hay

Marketing / Technical Coordination: Fay Bishop

Publicity / Media Design: Stephen Wilson*

Finance / Membership: Maurice Garrod*

Production Liaison: Deanne Dickson*

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Caroline Warren*

Memberships: Peter Simmen

Memberships: Steph Garrod


Assistants to the Management Team:

Finance Assistant: Gerald Wilson

Memberships: Louise Carroll

Sales & Marketing : Emma-Jayne Herbert

Players Theatre - Bar: Denise Clark, Bernie Gooch & Georgina Warren

Players Theatre - Caretaking & Supplies: Thomas Harvey

Players Theatre - Box Office Sales Administration / Group Bookings: Karen Carter

Group Bookings: Karen Carter / Howie Forster / John Swatton

Ambassadors of The Lowestoft Players: 

Deanne Dickson, Peter Aldous, Edward Back, Stella Bostock, Trevor Carter, Susan Catchpole,

Lord Somerleyton, Tony Mallion, Val Millward, Richard Morling, David Porter, Terry Rymer,

Peter Wilson.

Past Chairs:
Jack Overy 1967 - 1978, Roy Randall 1978 - 1981
Val Byde 1981 - 1983, Pam Hopper 1983 - 1984
Peter Wilson 1984 - 1987, Deanne Dickson 1987 - 1990
Stephen Wilson 1990 - 1993, Nicholas Garrod 1993 - 1996
Andrew Liddon 1996 - 1999, Nicholas Garrod 1999 - 2002
Maurice Garrod 2002 - 2005, Deanne Dickson 2005 - 2006
Malcolm Berridge 2006 - 2010, Deanne Dickson 2010 - 2012
Maurice Garrod 2012 - 2014, Mervyn Braddick 2014 - 2015

Nicholas Garrod 2015 - 2016, Deanne Dickson and Stephen Wilson 2016 - 2017

Stephen Wilson 2017 - 2019, Jenny Wright 2019 - 2022

Nicholas Garrod 2022 - 2024

Honorary Life Members:
Les Bell,  Andrew Liddon,  Martin Wilson,  Mervyn Braddick, Karen Carter, Deanne Dickson & Stephen Wilson.


Honorary Auditors:

E. Back & Co.



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